5 Ways to Make Your Colorado Engagement Photos Unique

It’s no secret that I love my Colorado engagement sessions! From the sessions that explore the bustling downtown of Denver, to the adventurous sessions where I hike a mountain with my couple, every session is unique and SO much fun!! There’s one question I’m often asked by my couples though, “Katie, how do we make our engagement photos in Colorado unique to us?” While this may sound abstract at first, there are actually a variety of fun, interesting, and easy ways to make your engagement session feel unique to you. Let’s take a look at 5 of my favorites to see what I mean! 

A man and woman smile at one another and embrace during their fall engagement photos in Colorado, behind them are fall colored trees and mountains

1. Make it an Adventure

Colorado offers an almost unfair advantage in making your engagement photos feel unique to you, and that is the sheer amount of epic locations to explore and adventure here! Just take a look at Iva and Adam’s engagement session to see what I mean!! For any couple that enjoys hiking epic mountains, exploring the natural beauty of our world, or just likes to try out new places and experiences, Colorado has you covered.

With SO many different options for locations to explore though, choosing where to have your engagement session can feel a bit daunting. Lucky for you that’s where I come in! For starters I have a blog covering some of my absolute favorite spots in the state for an engagement session. For those that decide to book with me as their photographer I’m also able to provide location recommendations based on the experience you’re looking for. This is where hiring a Colorado local as your photographer comes in handy!

2 photos side by side of a man and woman next to a lake in front of mountains, the left photo is of them kissing with the man standing behind the woman, the right is of them holding hands and smiling at one another while touching foreheads
A man and woman hold hands and stand next to one another facing away from the camera towards a lake surrounded by mountains during their engagement photos in Colorado

2. Go to Your Favorite Spot

One of the BEST ways to get your engagement photos to feel unique to you is to have your session at a location in Colorado that means something to you! This can look like a few different things. You can have your session on one of your favorite hikes, your favorite brewery or restaurant that you frequent, where you had your first date, or somewhere new that you’ve both been dying to check out! Having your session somewhere that is already meaningful in your relationship adds a whole new level of depth and a personal touch to your engagement session that is hard to beat!!

A man lifts a woman in the air and kisses her during their engagement photos in Colorado, behind them is a mountain
2 photos side by side of a man and woman, in the left they are dancing in a lawn outside of a brick building, in the right the man is kissing the woman's head as she closes her eyes
A man and woman sit next to one another and clink glasses of wine together while smiling at each other during their engagement photos in Colorado

3. Include Your Pet

Next on the list is including your pet in your engagement session. This is such a fun way to make your Colorado engagement photos feel totally unique to you! Your little fur baby is a huge part of your relationship, so it only makes sense to include them into your engagement session, at least for a portion of it. I recommend having your pet present only for a portion of your engagement session, which means there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, unless you’re having your engagement session at or near your house you’ll want to get someone you know to help with transportation. They’ll either be in charge of bringing your furry friend to the session, or taking them home after their part is done. The other thing to keep in mind is that you can have your engagement session at or near your home! This can add even more of a personal touch to your photos, and makes including your pet incredibly simple!!

A man and woman crouch next to one another with their 4 dogs in front of a stream during their engagement photos in Colorado
2 photos side by side of a couple, the left is of them smiling standing next to a wooden fence, the right is of them standing side by side in front of a rock formation with their 2 dogs with them

4. Choose an Activity

Building your engagement session around your shared love of an activity can really bring your photos to the next level! Your relationship is unique to you, and part of that uniqueness is the activities that you take part in together. Maybe you both have a sense of adventure, you could check out a new location like Lydon and Keith did for their session at the sand dunes. Or maybe you guys have a huge record collection and like to go vinyl shopping on the weekends, make your favorite record store a stop on your engagement session! These things that make your relationship what it is can be a great way to make your Colorado engagement photos more unique, but also make the session even more fun than it already will be!!

A man and woman embrace and smile at one another while standing next to a rock formation for their engagement photos, behind them are mountains and a town of Colorado in the distance
A man and woman kiss one another with mountains in the background during their engagement photos
2 photos side by side of a man and woman in a field together, in the left the man is kissing the woman's head, in the right he has his arm around her as they both smile
A man and woman hold hands and smile at one another in front of a lake and mountains during their sunset engagement photos in Colorado

5. Make it a Date Night!

One tip I always share with my couples is to make their engagement session more than just the session itself, and one great way to do so is to plan a date night for after your session! While this won’t directly influence your Colorado engagement photos to make them more unique, it will help to elevate the experience as a whole! Think about it, you’ll already have spent the last hour or so loving on one another, so you’re both going to be ready for a night together to celebrate this incredible love you share. Whether that night looks like a night out on the town, or an early night at home snuggled up on the couch and watching a movie is totally up to you!!

2 photos side by side of a couple in downtown Denver, the left is of them walking hand in hand along a sidewalk, the right is of them kissing next to a railing on the river
2 photos side by side of a couple in downtown Denver, the right is of them smiling at one another with a kaleidoscope affect around them, the right is of them kissing one another

Engagement photos are some of my favorite to photograph here in Colorado, and as you can see there are some really fun ways to make them unique to you! Whether you choose to implement one or more of these into your session is up to you, but doing so is sure to bring your engagement session from something great to something special. Check out this blog for some more tips on planning your engagement session in Colorado, and if you’re ready to book me as your photographer be sure to send an inquiry through my contact page!!

A couple sit in a field together with mountains behind them in the distance, they are kissing one another during their engagement photos in Colorado

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